Marnie and Thomas outside the exhibition Clive and Thomas find the TARDIS The main exhibition hall
Marnie and Thomas outside the exhibition

Clive and Thomas find the TARDIS

The main exhibition hall; note the Doctor's and Rose's costumes inside the TARDIS

Doctor and Rose poster Marnie and Thomas meet the Slitheen Auton
A huge Doctor and Rose publicity poster

Marnie and Thomas meet the Slitheen from 'Aliens of London' and 'World War Three'

A deadly plastic Auton from 'Rose'

Daddy protects Thomas from a hovering Dalek The inside of a Dalek! Dalek Emperor
Daddy protects Thomas from a hovering Dalek

The inside of a Dalek!

The Dalek Emperor from
'The Parting of the Ways'

Tree People Moxx Alien ambassadors
Jabe and a Tree Person from 'The End of the World'

The Moxx of Balhoon and friend from
'The End of the World'

Alien ambassadors from
'The End of the World'

Big Ben Slitheen Pig
Big Ben, as damaged by the Slitheen spaceship in
'Aliens of London'

The Slitheen take over the U.K.'s government in
'Aliens of London'

The pig creature and Margaret's fake head from
'Aliens of London'

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